Life Coaching & Family Constellations

Hi, I'm Denise, a certified Integral Master Coach™ and Family Constellations Facilitator.

I take a holistic approach with the aim of integrating my client’s emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being. While traditional therapies typically focus only on the client, I work with a whole picture of the individual as part of a larger set of systems - family, community, ethnic group.

As a person living in the present day, you often feel pressure to perform, achieve and be successful. It can affect all aspects of life: your career, your relationships, raising your children. The pressure can be so high that you lose contact with what truly is meaningful to you.

Noticing a lack of inspiration, you might long for support to help you come home to yourself. You are wondering how to ignite your passion again.

Through my professional trainings and my own experience over the years in finding my own voice, I am inspired to support my clients in discovering their purpose. I feel a passion to empower them in all the challenging situations they can be in, such as:

  • Dealing with the day-to-day demands of life in this fast-pace society. Finding more inspiring ways to lead your life and achieving a more balanced lifestyle.

  • Dealing  with a change of career, or trying to get back to work after having children;

  • Relating to your family, finding your place, can be a permanent struggle;

  • Longing to find a meaningful relationship, or further developing your relationship. 

  • Starting a family, bringing up children. The pressure of being a parent and getting it right can make you quite lonely and let you neglect your own needs;

  • Going through a break-up of your relationship, which can be heart-breaking. Dealing with the consequences and finding your place in life again, especially if you have children;

  • Grieving the loss of a loved one.

When you can recognise any of these situations present in your life, look at Work with me to find out more about my approach. Or get in touch to arrange a free session to have a taste of what working with me would be like.


Find out more about my own experiences and my professional training.

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Work with Me

When you can recognize any of these situations present in your life, find out more about my approach

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Integral Coaching® and Integral Coach™ are registered trade-marks in Canada owned by Integral Coaching Canada, Inc. licensed to Denise Portes